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Letter from Anna Russell, 593 Riverside drive, New York, to Jack Butler Yeats, Portobello house, Dublin
Russell, Anna
Part of the Irish Archive
Postcard from Anna Russell to Jack Butler Yeats at the Portobello nursing home, Portobello house, Dublin
Russell, Anna
Part of the Irish Archive
Letter from Anna Russell, 593 Riverside drive, New York, to Jack Butler Yeats, Portobello house, Dublin
Russell, Anna
Part of the Irish Archive
Yeats Archive
Reid, Eleanor de Bretteville,, Russell, Anna, Poole, Ruth Lane,, Graham, Hilda, Graham, Patrick, Mitchell, Lillias, Figgis,Roberts Richmond, Figgis, Philippa Maria, Yeats, Jack Butler, Yeats, Mary Cottenham, Yeats, Anne,, le Brocquy, Sybil,, Miles, J. C., Yeats, Elizabeth Corbet, Yeats, Dun Emer industries, Cuala industries
Part of the Irish Archive
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