Minutes of board meeting held on 7th December 1962
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Minutes of board meeting held on 7th December 1962 in which the following was discussed: 'copies of the plans [for the new extension] were on the table'. It was arranged that Chief Architect for the OPW be made available to answer any questions. The plans were approved. Discussion about compensation of £1500 to be paid to Mr Chance from no. 88 Merrion Square (he had asked for £2000). It was agreed the Chairman should pay Mr Chance a personal visit. It was suggested the new wing could be completed by 1965. It mentioned and commended by Mr Mundow that Mr Du Berry had '406 hours of unpaid overtime in six months', saving the OPW £7000. Confirmation of byelaws relating to the Shaw and Land Funds. Conor A Maguire and Brigid Ganly welcomed to the board. A Miss Hilary Pyle requested access to the minutes of previous meetings for research on James Stephens (a previous Registrar) but was denied. Confirmation on the appointment of new Registrar Patrick Ryan. The Director and Registrar left the room for discussion on the proposed new salary for the next Director (£3000). It was agreed to purchase a Portrait of Philippe Roettiers (c.1640-1718) by Nicolas de Largillière for 2000 Guineas from William Marshall (brief discussion of its provenance). An interpretation of a byelaw is suggested to mean that no work of art should be considered unless 'its purchase is recommended by the Director'. Discussion on possible new legislation to enable the 'disposal of the [Milltown] furniture. It is commented that this is contrary to the Lady Milltown's original wishes. The Director reported the current attendant staff was one senior attendant, ten attendants, and one floor-man attendant. He noted five extra attendants would 'not be more than necessary'. It was agreed to make an application to the Department of Education to allow for this. Brief discussion of Shaw and Lane Funds. The last two pages of the book outline details about the Milltown Furniture. The furniture was split into three classes to be dealt with. Some discussion on the legality of this disposal. This is the last entry for the minute book 1952 - 1962. There are two sheets of paper in plastic sleeves also in the box with dates and notes written on them.
National Gallery of Ireland
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Title | Minutes of board meeting held on 7th December 1962 |
Creator | National Gallery of Ireland |
Date | 07/12/1962 |
Type | Component |
Ref | IE NGI/INST/1/1/9/81 |
Level | Item |
Language | English |
Extent | 12pp |
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IE NGI/INST/1/1/9/81 This record