Results from the libraries & archives
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Pamphlet containing poem Clive written by C.H. Harbord, curate of West Hackney.
Yeats, Mary Cottenham
Part of the Irish Archive
Boxed diorama of Japanese houses and other buildings, with figures in kimonos.
Part of the Irish Archive
Japanese prints
Part of the Irish Archive
Kodak photo envelope containing unused picture postcards of Irish, German, Austrian and Russian origin.
Part of the Irish Archive
Black and white reproductions of Italian drawings from the Uffizzi Gallery, Florence, Italy.
Part of the Irish Archive
Pamphlet: address by William de Witt Hyde, ‘New Century Ideals.’
de Witt Hyde, William
Part of the Irish Archive
Poem by James Stephens read at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, to teach children ‘Kindness to Animals’.
Stephens, James
Part of the Irish Archive
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